

Opening Session

Plenary Session

  •  Márta Turcsány-Szabó, ICT expert, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

            Sustainable innovation in teacher training

  •  Zsolt Kristóf, College Senior Lecturer, University of Debrecen, Hungary

            Educational Possibilities and solution in Second Life


e3 projects




Workshop 1: Tricks for using the eTwinning Portal and TwinSpace

Gabriella Fodorné Bodnár & Emese Fodor, National Support Service, Hungary

(Introducing the new eTwinning portal and TwinSpace. This workshop is for teachers who want to get familiar with the fresh and newly developed             eTwinning platform. The aim of the session is to share tricks and tips for the usage of eTwinning Tools.)


Workshop 2: Good examples and project management

Mónika Kiss, eTwinning Ambassador, Hungary

(Experienced eTwinners share good practices and examples of successful eTwinning projects focused on project management methods.)


Workshop 3: DIY Music (making music using web 2.0 tools and homemade instruments from recycled materials)

Ildikó Csordás & Regina Nagy, National Support Service, Hungary

(The participants will have the possibility to try a variety of free web 2.0 tools which can be used in Music education. Some of them allow even very young users to experiment with digital instruments, sounds and create music, while others help understand basic or more advanced concepts of music theory. In the second part of the workshop instruments will be created from recycled materials.)

(This workshop will be held only on Friday from 9:30 to 11:00 and from 14:00 to 15:30 (28th September))


Workshop 4: Using Web 2.0 Tools in visual education

Gergely Nádori, ICT expert, teacher, Alternative Secondary School of Economics, Hungary

(How can we enhance visual education with ICT tools? From simple graphic programs to sophisticated collaborative environments there are several ways a teacher can improve the class. During the workshop participants can get familiar with some tools, learn about good practices and take part in a brainstorming about the use of ICT in visual education.)

Workshop 5: How to teach humanities in 21st century way?

Tibor Prievara, ICT expert, teacher, Imre Madách Secondary School, Hungary

(Applying 21st century skills to better prepare our students for the challenges that lie ahead for them is a challenge and a half in itself for all of us in the teaching profession. In this workshop we are going to look at some of the most important buzzwords of 21st century education and try and match them with real examples from the classroom as well as give hands-on practice with tools that might make these changes come true. Naturally, the most significant of all the factors in the classroom that might facilitate innovation is the teacher himself/herself, so special emphasis will be laid on what our new role involves. All this with ready-to-use, practical tips and practices.)


Workshop 6: Creating Prezis together

Nádori Gergely, ICT expert, teacher, Alternative Secondary School of Economics, Hungary

(The main aim of this workshop is to give a short introduction to the creation of presentation in The is a zooming presentation tool which has also collaborative features useful in eTwinning projects. During the workshop the participating teachers will get acquainted with some new features of the, too. All who want to attend the workshop are kindly asked to have their own account at Choose the edu enjoy license that is free for teachers (use your school email address to register).

(This workshop will be held only on Saturday from 9:30 to 11:00 (29th September))


Workshop 7: Learning without borders - Cultural education with Second Life

Zsolt Kristóf, College Senior Lecturer, University of Debrecen, Hungary

(Nowadays considering many point of views most people as a virtual learning environment, utilize Second Life. The reasons can be – raising no claim of completeness – the dynamically changing environment, the adequately easy possibility of creating and the relatively high number of users. The Second Life is a three dimensional internet based virtual world. Its development began in 1999 by the Linden Research Inc. (Linden Lab). The servers opened on June 23, 2003 and a couple of million users registered since then. Second Life has been also discovered by several educational institutions, realizing this virtual world's enormous potential on the field of teaching and learning. There have been projects of astronomy, medical sciences, music, literature, biology, history, and also turistics or language learning. You may ask, why we are not experiencing a major breakthrough here. Why do not educate many more using virtual environments, for example Second Life. The key is, as I see, that it is not easy to master the skills you need to emerge as an efficient and professional virtual teacher. I will introduce you to the world of Second Life, of course approaching from the possibilities of education and learning. I will broaden theoretical information with practical experiences, based on real world projects.)