The National Support Service is the part of the Department of Digital Pedagogy

The National Support Service is the part of the Department of Digital Pedagogy

The Department of Digital Pedagogy, a subdivision of Educatio Public Services Non-profit LLC was appointed to fulfill the duties of the Hungarian National Support Service of the eTwinning programme. Educatio Public Services Non-profit LLC is a non-profit educational institute, a background institution of the Ministry of National Development. 


Head of department: Szabolcs Kauderer

Deputy Head of department: Emil Koplányi


Our eTwinning Team:

Office Manager: Regina Nagy


Béla Egyed, Hungarian National Support Service

Emese Fodor, project coordinator, Hungarian National Support Service

Gabriella Fodorné Bodnár, Hungarian National Support Service

Klára Jakab Veresné

Mónika Lekk, project coordinator, Hungarian National Support Service

Valéria Tóthné Viniczai




You can find us through the following links:


Facebook page: eTwinning Hungary